A Zchus for your loved ones Neshomo

Elevate the neshomo and the memory
of your loved ones

By dedicating the learning of 'mishnayos' in memory of the deceased.


Mishnah Learning

$50 per mashechta

Custom Mishnah Learning

family package

Group Mishnah Learning

"One shall learn Mishanyos on the Yuhrtzeit - to help elevate the soul of the deceased"

- Aruch hakaballah, perek 24, pasuk 7

how it works

Choose a 'Perek'
or the entire
'Shisha Sidrei Mishnah'.

Provide us with the name and father's name (or mother's name for Sephardic descent), and the Yuhrtzeit date.

Members of our program will study the chosen selection and preface the learning with the name of the deceased.

A Segulah For the Living

Torah study impacts the eternal wellbeing of your loved one's soul. Lesser known is the fact that it impacts your family in this world. From good health to suitable shidduchim to financial bounty to healthy children, the genuine Torah study of our pious scholars is a powerful, proven zechus.

starting at $1800

Mishnah Learning


Custom Mishnah Learning

© A Zchus, 2021